Video Surveillance

Why choose PrabhSol?

There Are Lots Of Reasons Most Importantly

We have deployed multiple key solutions from industry leading vendors like CISCO , SAMSUNG etc.

Deployements comprises of campus wide Surviellance , monument perimeters security etc.

Deployement comprises of integrating access control , face recognition solutions , alert and response systems etc.

Surveillance is must in todays world be it at our premises or transport facility we provide to people like transportation for staff in a company or school bus. In most cases these facilities are outsourced to 3rd party vendors and…

In today’s world security threat has increased multi fold and it is important to secure our own premises with tight security. Video surveillance is a perfect tool to enhance security of residence buildings. Advantages of Video surveillance are many as…

In todays world security threat has increased multi fold and it is important to proactively monitor and secure our premises and assets. Video surveillance is the perfect tool to enhance security. Advantages of Video surveillance are many as below. Presence…

In today’s world security threat has increased multi fold specially public space and large open shopping complexes and it is important to proactively monitor and secure our premises and lives. Also it is important to gather business intelligent Intelligence and…